The company JOYinCARE has been producing lifting and transfer aids for over twenty years. The healthcare company makes ergonomic lifting devices and slings to move patients, both in hospitals and at home.

JOYinCARE aims to reuse all its products, aligning with its vision and meeting both medical sector demands and EU regulations. The use of recycled polyester in healthcare supports CO2 reduction, avoids downcycling or incineration, and ensures material reuse, which will soon be mandatory for all manufacturers.

The challenge: circular products with very high standards

The products of JOYinCARE are subject to very high standards. Think of flame-retardant textiles and biocompatibility (e.g. can the material be used safely on the human body?).

This adds an extra challenge in sustainability: how are the products made fully circular while simultaneously meeting all the obligations and regulations.

Our approach

For full reuse, the slings must be made from 100% monomaterial, such as recycled polyester in healthcare. At the same time, the product must meet strict standards for abrasion resistance, tensile strength, flame-retardant textiles, and biocompatibility. Each aspect represents a technical textile application requiring expert advice.

We looked at the best materials and production techniques per component. Together we advised and tested each solution. Our RFID tags gave each sling a ‘digital production passport’, so the factory can easily read the origin and materials during collection.

The result: high quality 100% circular slings

Together with JOYinCARE, we developed a cover that meets all standards: ergonomic, strong, durable, and 100% circular.

After use, JOYinCARE returns the slings, and thanks to the RFID tags, the collector can easily melt down and re-granulate it into pure polyester (PET) pellets. No incineration, no use of new raw materials, but a fully circular loop.

We are proud that we have guided JOYinCARE to a circular product with our textile, market, and technical knowledge!